
Getting humanist voices heard within Labour

Last year, Labour Party Chair and Labour Humanists Patron Angela Eagle implored us to make our voices heard within the Party, if we want to see real changes to policy.

We’ve been doing lots of work to represent the views of our members both behind the scenes and through open activism. Over the past few months we have also worked to develop responses to Labour’s policy challenge and we have submitted amendments to the consultation papers which aim for a more equal, ethical and secular Labour.

Our ambitious position covers schools, where we want a state system with high quality education and no religious discrimination in admissions or against teachers. We want stronger, cohesive communities with a focus on human rights and inclusive, secular public services. We want Lords reform which finally ends the undemocratic system where Church of England Bishops get seats in our Parliament as of right. We want a global role for Britain which strongly supports freedom of belief and expression and which opposes blasphemy laws wherever they are.

We have encouraged our members and others to work through their CLPs and NPF representatives to move these amendments and we have also submitted four papers to Labour’s policy review website*We have now submitted these amendments to Labour’s Your Britain policy review website. Members can view, comment and vote in support of these papers on educationcommunitiespolitics and Britain’s global role*

The deadline for CLPs to make amendments is 13 June so we are encouraging anyone who has not done so to get in touch with their local Party and suggest changes.

Members can also comment and vote in support of our papers on the Your Britain website – please do so!

Thank you for your support.